Deaconess Gunhild Heidke

Sister Gunhild Heidke grew up in an Evangelical Free Church parish and since the beginning of her training as a nurse Diakonieschwester at the Evangelischer Diakonieverein Berlin-Zehlendorf e.V.. After studying educational science, psychology and philosophy at the Freie Universität zu Berlin, she lectured until October 2023 as a qualified teacher and coach at the education centre of the Ev. Diakonieverein in Berlin and many places throughout Germany. Her focus was on pedagogical and social science topics as well as topics as well as leadership and management issues.
In the Ev. Diakonieverein and in particular its Diaconal community, she has been involved for many years with commitment and pleasure in their development and representation. Since 2001, the World Assembly in Brisbane, she has been in contact with DIAKONIA., delegate of the Zehlendorfer Verband e.V. in the following years and has been a member of the DIAKONIA-DRAE ExCo since 2017. She has been secretary there since 2019.
She can sink into books and loves to see the world through a photo lens. In addition to people, animals have always accompanied her life.